Personality Setting Quiz!

Do you think you know yourself? Well, you do. But see what this QUIZ thinks. Does it think wrong? Or does it think right? You decide! But first, you must see your result!

This quiz is not excactly accurate, but go ahead - see what it says about YOU! Not all of the results will fit, because there aren't many different results to fit all different people.

Created by: Bailee
  1. Do you find yourself constantly scheduling things and making lists?
  2. On a ranking of 1 to 3, 1 being uncomfortable, 3 being very comfrotable, how are you around groups of - say, 8 people?
  3. Do you like to party?
  4. What is your perspective of yourself?
  5. What is your favorite smiley face? (I know it's a weird question, but it does help with getting a good and pretty accurate result by answering honestly and by not just choosing one but looking the answers over.)
  6. What is your favorite smiley face? (I know it's a weird question, but it does help with getting a good and pretty accurate result by answering honestly and by not just choosing one but looking the answers over.)
  7. What is your favorite animal from the list below?
  8. Choose one of the two colors below.
  9. Choose a word.
  10. Choose a number.
  11. Lastly, did you like this quiz? (Answer does not affect your result.) If so, rank this quiz 5 stars!

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