personality color and name as a warrior cat

this quiz is amazing it tells u what u would be like as a warrior cat!!its really cool! it asks u few fun questions to get the idea! i hope the one u get u like!!

are YOU a true cat warrior? until now u could only wonder!!!!! if u take this quiz u could be a medicine cat a warrior even a leader. thanks to this test u could find out right now!!!

Created by: cassie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats your fave color?
  2. fave letter?
  3. favorite animal?
  4. a tom u really like asked u out!!! what do u do P.S. (if u are a boy pretend u are a girl! srry!)
  5. yours and another clan are in a war and a kitten is stuck inside the fighting cats! what do u do?
  6. your clan just won a battle what do u do?
  7. fave jewel?
  8. random thing u like
  9. whats your fave type a cat
  10. u fall asleep and get a message from starclan!!what is the message?
  11. last but not least did u like the quiz?

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