Percy Jackson life long results! girls only, may be bi

Hello! This is my first quiz on this site so please don't hate! WARNING- there is a result where you are bi, don't get offended or anything, it DEFINITLY is not an insult.

I happen to be CRAZY about percy jackson... AMAZINGNESS! rick is an amazing author, but i didn't really like piper, like NOT AT ALL. I have a wattpad account- search it up. my username is winkymeow2008, or it might come up as damyoupercy1010. anyway, thanks!

Created by: Dara Ann
  1. color?
  2. weapon?
  3. boyfriend?
  4. Godly parent?
  5. powers?
  6. let fate decide
  7. animal?
  8. IDK what to ask you
  9. did you like the quiz (won't affect your answers)
  10. I need one more question. favorite ship?

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