Percy jackson Life (Girls Only)

On What your Percy Jackson life is like with your name, the way you look you're godly parent Friends, and BFFsfe nkf rjk rjfhr hfjr gerhjbghrj fjnf njrhfn

And that's itfnjkfwnhjfbwjfffbreejssurbfrbfhsbfjsbfhsjbfhsjbfshrbfshrjbfsrghbfjgafbjgvshgvshbfhfhvfsahbsfhbjshbsfbhjsfhbsrhjbsrbhsrbhjsrbhjrbhfrhjfshbjfshb

Created by: Star
  1. Weapon
  2. Camp
  3. Fav Color
  4. Fav God
  5. least favorite god
  6. Least fave Villian
  7. Least fav monster
  8. Fav camp
  9. Fav in these people
  10. Preferred name in these

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