Patent Medicine History

As you can probably tell, this is just a small comprehension quiz about patent medicine history that we thought would be fun to take after reading our website.

So now that you've read through the information on our website, are you ready to call yourself a patent medicine history pro? Take this quiz and find out!

Created by: Catherine
  1. Who is Samuel Hopkins Adams?
  2. What was the article S.H. Adams wrote titled?
  3. What is "The Great American Fraud" about?
  4. When was the Pure Food and Drug Act passed?
  5. Why was the PF&D Act flawed?
  6. What did the Sherley Amendment propose?
  7. What happened during the Sulfanilamide Elixir Tragedy?
  8. Who is Harvey Washington Wiley?
  9. "The Great American Fraud" was the first of its kind to be published.
  10. When was the Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act published?

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