Opposites (Story) (INTRODUCTION) PART 1

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Me/K: This is another story that I'm going to put on here. I would add it to Quotev....but I'm having some trouble with all that at the moment so, this is it for now.

Me/K: This has the background of the story, it's like the introduction. My next quiz is the actual story so.....yeah! I have nothing else to say, I'm just adding this.....just take the quiz.....

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: Ok, let's do this again! Also, this isn't the real story, I just wanted there to be an introduction quiz, then the story. IDK really....
  2. Me/K: OKIE, OKIE, here is (ANOTHER) background. A long time ago, there was this Kingdom who were friends who worked together and helped one another. Each year, they would gather together to watch the Fireworks, this would resemble Harmony.
  3. Me/K: One day, they were gathering together for another Fireworks show, they sat in the woods to watch it. While they were shooting up the Fireworks, they noticed that the sky began to look green.
  4. The sky turned from dark blue to green. Everyone sat there and found the sky beautiful, which wasn't a good thing. It filled the sky and as it did, it turned everyone into animals and it changed everyone! The people who turned into Lions would hurt the antelope, the people who turned into coyotes would hurt the Rodents, it turned into a HUGE fight. There was NO harmony!
  5. Me/K: Some people were able to run and live and not become an animal while others didn't. Ever since then, people have kept what happened a secret from the new generation. They took an oath that if they saw any animal people, they would end them.
  6. Me/K: Ok, so, um, 1000 years later, a son was born, his name was Monsuta! He had black hair and blue eyes, he got older and turned into a kind, trustworthy, brave, and smart kid.
  7. Me/K: Ok, that is my introduction. My next quiz will be the real story, the only reason I'm doing it with an introduction then real story is cause I want to have the FULL quiz to make the story.
  8. Me/K: Well, I need 10 questions so here are some questions. Who is better, Sanic (A Meme) or Sonic?
  9. Me/K: Are fish wet if they've never been dried before?
  10. Me/K: WHICH MEME IS BETTER?! Sanic, Da Wae Knuckles, or Spooder Man (NOT Spider Man, you can look these up)

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