One Direction Seven Minutes In Heaven | Comments

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  • I am a guy but i still took this quiz...
    One Direction Seven Minutes In Heaven
    Your Result: Zayn

    "Number 2" You call out hoping for someone good. Zayn stands up, you almost die of excitement. How you adored him and wished he would go out with you! You stepped in to the closet and it seemed like forever until he spoke, "So how's it going?" "Good, you?" "Could be better." He replies, you feel upset that he's not happy. "Why? What's up?" You ask. "Curious aren't you? I like that," he winked at red filled your cheeks. "Harry and I just got into a fight.". You sighed, "About what?". "Uhh..." He mumbles something under his breath. "Sorry didn't catch that." You say with a smile. "Over hairspray, yeah I know it's stupid, we were just a little off today, a little crazy. It's one of those days that you don't feel awesome, you feel like crap and then something really dumb pisses you off. You know?" You completely understood. "I understand, we all know the feeling. I know how your day can get better though." You smile. "How?" He smiles, you walk over and passionately kiss until time.

    Lia m

    Getting Harry Styles would have been better...

  • No,dude. I want zayn. Not harry

  • One Direction Seven Minutes In Heaven
    Your Result: Louis 90%

    "Number 6" you call out. Louis stands up. Oh, Louis, always kissing posters with his face on it. You were madly in love with him and no denying it. Thoughts raced through your mind as he walked into the closet with you. "What's up?" He asks. "Nothin' much. You?" You reply. "What's up with me? Nothing just boy band stuff, that's all." He says. Then you guys start talking about Miley Cyrus at the VMAs and who your gonna be for Halloween. "Do you like Disney movies?" He asks. "Yeah! Love them." You say. "Cool. Random question thrown out there." He laughs. "Yeah." You sigh, it's been 4 minutes and nothing has happened yet. "Do you know what making out is?" He asks. "Yes...?" You reply. "Care to explain what it is?" He asks. "We'll it's an American way of-" he cuts you off "No, show me what it is." He says, a charming look in his eye. You wrapped your arms around him and began immediately. After time's up, you went to his house continuing what had started. 4 years later you get married.

    89% Niall
    82% Harry
    81% Liam
    80% Zayn


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