Ollivander's Wand Wood Quiz Part 2

Is the Wizarding World's wand quiz too simple for you? Not satisfied with your wand wood being chosen based on eye colour and discarded magical items? Look no further!

Ollivander's Wand Wood Quizzes (Part 1 - 4) offer your best possible match from Acacia to Yew. Keep a note of your top percentage for each part, and let the wand wood choose you out of 36 possibilities.

Created by: Kyra

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's your Hogwarts House?
  2. The Sorting Hat says you aren't a fit for your desired house, which do you choose as a backup?
  3. Which subject would you like to study the most?
  4. Would you be interested in Duelling?
  5. Would you want a wand that is...
  6. Where would you rather spend your time...
  7. What do you want to do with your magic...
  8. Are you interested in Nonverbal Casting?
  9. Would you ever get involved in the Dark Arts?
  10. Which word describes you best?
  11. Would you ever die for what you believe in?
  12. What is your biggest flaw?

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