Old Man's Syndrome Quiz

Old Man's Syndrome is a rarely talked about syndrome, in which sufferers display traits such as, self-righteousness, poor memory, self-absorbtion, tunnel-vision world view, loud-mouthedness, constant prying into other people's business, and other perplexing and annoying symptoms.

Are you suffering from O.M.S.? Are you showing early warning signs? Take the following quiz to assess your mental/emotional status, and see if you are at risk!

Created by: Tribble
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is wrong with Paris Hilton?
  2. What do you think of the song, "We Will Rock You!" by Queen?
  3. How many conspiracy books do you own?
  4. You are going to visit some friends. What is the fabric of the pants you will be wearing?
  5. What type of radio station is your car or home set to?
  6. How are your computer skills?
  7. My car is...
  8. Do you know your significant other's birthday and age?
  9. Without which of the following would a house not be a home?
  10. When I get into a debate or arguement, people generally...
  11. Your neighbours are...
  12. Supper should be ready...
  13. The best woman in the world is...
  14. The government is...
  15. When in a group, the funniest person in the room usually is...
  16. Does anyone ever tell you that they feel they need to protect you from yourself because you don't know when to shut-up?
  17. When you go to a bar, you usually...
  18. When you enter a room with people, do they usually...

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