Official MLB Sponsors

Do you know your baseball? Are official sponsors your forte? Is MLB sponsorship one of your specialities? Do you know baseball like baseball knows baseball? Do you have your teams games on "auto-record".

Does your local RSN make jokes about you. Did you write gbaseball stats in the margins of papers. Are you a true baseball fanatic? Is every player your friend? Are you like Annie a fanatic of the church of baseball.

Created by: Francis Hollingshead
  1. What is the official brewery of MLB?
  2. What is the official tire of MLB?
  3. What is the official QSR of MLB?
  4. What is the official isotonic beverage of MLB?
  5. What is the official soft drink of MLB?
  6. What is the official computer of MLB?
  7. What is the official wireless carrier of MLB?
  8. What is the official automobile of MLB?
  9. What is the official airline of MLB?
  10. What is the official auto insurance partner of MLB?
  11. What is the official bank of MLB?

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