OC generator (Warrior Cats)

This is a quiz to choose from my warrior cat OCs. I hope you like this, even though they aren't the best. I may add more results but so far I've only made this many. I am not the best at RP so I apologise if they suck.

These are from a roblox RP game that I played and are only used there. So far there is no official artwork paired with these, and feel free to make some using the descriptions added.

Created by: Leafpool43
  1. Are you a tom or a she cat?
  2. What's your favourite season?
  3. A kit, an elder and your mate are drowning. Who do you save?
  4. RP: A badger is attacking, what do you do?
  5. One more RP: You're leader, who do you choose as deputy?
  6. Last RP: A fox is coming for you, and your clan. What do you do?
  7. Pick a bad trait you have.
  8. Pick a good trait.
  9. What role would you want most?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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