New World Reader & Keys For Writers Essay

Are you a genius? Do you know something about an essay? Do you have the knowledge to answer this quiz about this concept? Find out in this great quiz.

There are many smart people, but few ones answer this quiz. Feel interested. In this quiz, you will find out if you really can answer whatever a person ask you about an essay. Try it.

Created by: Mario
  1. An excellent thesis must have:
  2. Freewriting, brainstorming, boomerang, mapping and clustering are some useful techniques for:
  3. The correct order to start writing is:
  4. The goal of an argument is:
  5. An excellent definition of plagiarism is:
  6. To avoid plagiarism, we can:
  7. The correct order to set up a bibliography is:
  8. An essay can be:
  9. Narration is:
  10. What must have an essay?

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