New Hampshire 2

Weellllcommmee to pony land with sparkles............ If you don't do well you can't go to dance class and Mrs. Russell will kick your ass. annneeeway

Are you from finland? I AM FROM FINLAND!!! I like bagels!!! You better do well or you are in the cage boy. I mean jail, boy, In the hole boy, I think you get it now...

Created by: fdslkjfsdjl
  1. Which river is on the upper east side
  2. Which river is just below the Androscoggin River?
  3. Which River borders Maine?
  4. Which River borders Vermont?
  5. The river that cuts through the center of New Hampshire is
  6. What river is between the White Mountains?
  7. What is the Capital of NH and is near the Merrimack River?
  8. What city is south of Concord and also near the Merrimack River?
  9. What city is south of Manchester and near the bottom-most part of the Merrimack River?
  10. What town is on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean?
  11. What city is in northern NH and by the Androscoggin River?
  12. What city is on the side of the Connecticut river and near the VT border?
  13. What is the river by Keene?
  14. What is the city by the Ashelot River?
  15. What is the city north of Concord and near the Merrimack River?
  16. What is the city by Lake Sunapee
  17. What is the city that is right by Lake Winnepesauke?

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