Need a book to read? Here's one. Fun!

Hi! Let's face it: it's hard to find books sometimes. So I made this quiz to help ya find one. I hope you enjoy the quiz and get a great new book to read. I won't include really popular books, Harry Potter, Warriors, etc..

Okay, Let's get started. I hope you don't get a book that you already have. That'd be sad. Okay, let's get started! Now, are ya ready to get a great book?

Created by: Maximum Ride
  1. 1: Okay, first of all, what's you're favorite genre?
  2. 2: Great, now are you okay with violence?
  3. 3: How long do you want it to be?
  4. 4: What do you want in a book?
  5. 5: Nice. What's your favorite animal?
  6. 6: Do you even like animals?
  7. 7: What time do you want it to be based in?
  8. 8: What tense do you want it to be written in?
  9. 9: First-person, second-person, or third-person?
  10. 10: What kind of main character?
  11. 11: Human or animal main character?
  12. 12: Male or female main character?
  13. 13: How do you feel about romance?
  14. 14: Did you like this quiz?
  15. 15: Just thought of a few more questions, sorry. How many books do you want in the series?

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