Naruto or Fairytail who is for you?

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Only take this if you want to know who you would go out with in either Naruto or Fairytail... Do not atempt unless u think u are smart...Muaahhahahaah

Only take this if you are a girl as it may seem strange for a guy to take a quiz about who would u go out with from a tv show... teheee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Kattakura
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to be...
  2. Which character do you want...
  3. What season is your favourite...
  4. Which clan/guild are you in...
  5. Do you like to play...
  6. What magic would you use...
  7. What do you like more Fairytail or Naruto...
  8. Do you like Fairytail or the Oracion Seis...
  9. Do you like One Piece... Iruka does...
  10. You see Iruka crying over his dvds what do you do...

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