This is totally random: sjchabchaqswhcjwcdhabshqc qwhedbdASC Aanddeiudnsa sdjfwyfsdbca akwjsdnakfjbOIUWUGB FHGASHS sbfuaybf fagsyfuwbefasjhbb asfgqowebf HUH!

LOLS sjdk fqiwefqnwief qwefsjdnfqwe fsudfjashdgfqiw efqhywefgaushbfq wefq swfhquiwyfu qweyfvquowbefqjwehyfqiyswfb qwefaysgdefubqwiuefquwe fqw7tefbqasjfbaEF hahaha

Created by: EmmaBear
  1. You wake up in a forest. You look around, but you don't know where you are. Then You realise you have amnesia.You can't move and you just lay there looking at
  2. You start to get feeling in your limbs, and you stand up, dizzy. You are wondering where to go so you just spin around and around in circles untill you fall down again. when you get up, your head is pointing towards a stream.
  3. You decide to go to the stream after a while; it looks like the only landmark. When you are taking a drink, you spot a buff guy with blondish hair approach. He says, "Hello". You reply:
  4. He says, "I'm Derek. Who are you?" You tell him of your predicament (me: god I love that word. PREDICAMENT. Bet you can't say it 5 times really fast without stuffing it up!), and he asks you if you want to come with him to a town. You think for a minute.
  5. You follow him, and you realise that that he floats a bit above the ground. You think that you might just have a concussion, or you might be crazy (me: not surprising if you chose the dead bird). after about 10 minutes you ask him about it, and he replies "I've got SUPERPOWERS!"
  6. He agrees to teach you along the way, and you learn how to fly. You both walk to the town, because he can't keep up with you. When you are about a mile away, you are attacked by BANDITS!
  7. You defeat the bandits, but Derek was stabbed. Oh no!
  8. You get to town and people start screaming and yelling. You decide that you will go to the castle in the hills. When you get there, Derek is almost dead. Some palace guards come to meet you, and let you through. You must've known them before you had amnesia. Oh well. A maid is shocked when she sees you and Derek, but she beckons for you to follow her. When she stops walking, you find that you are in the throne room. A king is sitting on a golden throne, and he glares at you. You wonder what you did to make this dude so angry, but when he ses Derek, he gets really worried. He sends for Derek to be sent away to the healers. When he asks you what exactly were you doin with his son, you respond by going:
  9. The king glares at you again and starts telling you where you are from. It turns out that you ae his sworn enemy and he sent you to the woods to be killed by the wolves. But sice you saved his son, you get to have a free gift!
  10. The King gives you Some options. You choose:

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