My Supernatural Girlfriend part 1

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so i made a series called Forbidden love for girls and that was a disaster cuz people hated it and now i'm gonna try my hand at another quiz. hope its ok.

Comment pleeease! i know it sux but just comment and try to cut me some slack cuz im a girl and i have no clue what to do for this but i hope you like it!!!

Created by: pielover511
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! You hit the snooze button on your alarm clock. Today, you're moving. You inherited a creaky old mansion from your uncle. He died of... natural causes.
  2. ***time forward*** You unpack, eat dinner, and go upstairs to search the attic for cool stuff. As you climb the stairs, you hear some whispering. It's probably Susie, your sister. But why would she be whispering?
  3. You rush upstairs. "Susie? Who's up there?" You see a flash of light. Actually, you see three. Susie isn't up there. Hmmm...
  4. You run downstairs screaming like a girl. "Hey ___! What happened? You see a rat?" It's Susie. "Ha-ha. Go away, Susie." "Whatever, ____." You go to sleep and dream about two girls. One has white hair and aqua eyes. The other looks like your ex. You didn't dump her, but she moved to China and it didn't work out. You also see a white ball of light.
  5. You get up the next day and roll out of bed. Everyone else is still asleep. You go back up to the attic. There are tons of cool old things up there. An ivory statue, an old record player, and tons of other things... Wait a sec... You hear a scratching noise. You turn and there is some writing on the wall. You read it. It says, "You are not alone. We are watching you." Your eyes widen. You turn to see if anyone else is there. Apparently there is. The two girls and the light from your dream are hiding behind a crate.
  6. They look up. "Hi." The white-haired one says."My name is Luna. This is Mamie." She points to the other girl. "And this is Myrtha. She's a Shade. I'm a ghost. Mamie is a Wraith. You stare in shock. "What's the difference?" You ask. "Well, wraiths take the form of someone from your memory,ghosts look like they did when they were alive, and shades are pure energy. They can talk, but they have no real form." Now you know why Mamie looks like your ex.
  7. so um that is all i have for now. srry!
  8. Will you rate?
  9. will you comment?
  10. bye person who is reading this!!!! :)

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