My Story (This is the bare minimum of characters)

This is a quiz I created, it is not related to any single thing. There might be some things you don't understand and that is okay. I like these characters so if you don't...too bad.

The main character is Leia, so a lot of things base around her. If you don't like that, then I am sorry and please don't be rude. I hope you have a good day!

Created by: Dog LOVER
  1. Gender? (If you are trans just pick one)
  2. Are you stubborn?
  3. Are you loving?
  4. Would you ever cheat on someone if you fell out of love?
  5. Are you powerful?
  6. Do you like trouble?
  7. Are you a vegetarian, or no?
  8. Would you follow the leader's say?
  9. Are you hungry
  10. Do you like music

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