My quiz so I can get a profile picture

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Okay so really I just made this quiz so I can get a profile picture :D so I’d really appreciate it if you take this quiz and then take it a million more times!

Okay maybe not a million but pleaseee retake this quiz anyway uh I don’t know really what to write so yeah hahah I’m so confused right nowwwww cause i dont know what to write

Created by: ST3W13_GRXFFXN
  1. Hello there!
  2. So basically…
  3. I found out what you did…
  4. Just kidding!
  5. Okay well you know when I said so basically earlier?
  6. I actually was gonna say I just wanted a pfp!
  7. So I need you to take this quiz :(
  8. And if you don’t I’m gonna cry
  9. Just kidding!
  10. Aw man there needs to be 10 questions?well this is the final one so I hope you enjoyed!

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