
Theres many people before you who are gonna be somebody and your on of them your a well discripted image to people around you your a leader not a follower

You obviously need more practice and don't care for the gift you were blessed with you care how people judge you and you shouldn't if you become something great and they will be eating thier words be yourself

Created by: James devin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your skill
  2. How much do you care for this skill
  3. What do you want to achieve
  4. How long have you been doing this skill
  5. How far do you want to go
  6. Are you the best in your view
  7. If another well known celebrity disses you how would you respond
  8. Do you care what people say about you
  9. Would you do anything to become famous
  10. Who are you in you view

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