Mr. popularity or loner???

Sometimes it's nice to know if you are really popular or if your a loner you just want to know if people just say your pretty or if you really are as pretty as they say you are!

That's why I made this quiz it's not to offend you if your are a loner but to find out where you stand on the popularity list. I hope you enjoy this quiz I made!

Created by: juliette

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who do you sit with at lunch?
  2. Where do you sit at lunch?
  3. How many friends do you have?
  4. Do you have a boyfriend?
  5. Would you say that you are popular?
  6. are you rich or poor?
  7. what word describe's you most?
  8. What car do you have/parents have?
  9. What's your future dream job?
  10. Be honest are you retarded?
  11. Do you think your pretty?
  12. Did you like this quiz?
  13. dumb blonde? Party Brunette? Chinese nerd? Ugly Red?
  14. bye

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