most hated celebs test | Comments

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  • Ahaha, Magicbanana, I love reading comments 3 paragraphs long defending undying love for evil corporate overpaid megastars like yours

  • The Jonas Brothers are amazing! I know you're just stating your opinion but you're calling them GAY? Uhhhh....I'm pretty sure Kevin's marrying a GIRL! And I know Nick and Joe have had serious relationships with GIRLS! You obviously don't know the meaning of Gay...and even if they were, what's wrong with that? It's just how someone choses to life they're life! And so what if they're Disney? They weren't made! They started out at Columbia Records and then Disney! It's not like they're robots that Lip Sync and don't write their own songs! They are real people and people don't deserve to be treated like some people have been treating them. How would you feel?

  • i got the JoBros and its very true. I hate them.

  • Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana is one of the STUPIDEST CELEBRITIES IN THE WORLD. Then again most celebrities are stupid idiots.

  • maymay u know jonas brothers have no dick


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