Modern Music Quiz | Comments

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  • omg chill out paranormal no need to write an essay and way to make up random statistics, 75% dont know what rock is? well to clasify rock music is virtually impossible so that stat is obviously untrue, its just a quiz and dude it said modern music which is not the beatles and the who, led zeplin, metalica, calm self, btw theres a reason popular songs are popular

  • Modern mainstream music SUCKS. It's okay if you like it though, but you kids should appreciate other music too.

    The following paragraph applies to 95% of the kids at my school and any other stupid kids like them:

    All of you kids that are brainwashed by it are sad because you don't know how to appreciate GOOD music that actually requires something called TALENT, which 99% of your "cool" artists DON'T HAVE. Take the rock and metal genres for instance. Yes, ROCK. REAL ROCK. Some stuff you've never heard before. Not some bull---- like "Let it 'Rock'" by Lil Wayne. None of that. REAL ROCK as in RADIOHEAD and COLDPLAY. THE BEATLES, THE WHO, LED ZEPPELIN. METALLICA. LEARN TO APPRECIATE IT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT. More than 75% of you don't even know what the hell real rock is! And NO, METALLICA IS NOT A "FONT" of text. Dumbasses! You kids think you're all big "rockstars" just because the "rock" you listen to songs like "Party Like a 'Rockstar'" by the Shop Boyz and "I Will Transform Ya" by Chris Brown? Utterly pathetic. You make me laugh. You disgust me.

    Anyway, modern music sucks.
    Sincerely ,

  • How about you put some music people actually LISTEn to in here? and possibly not asking that stupid Micheal Jackson question! all of them were answers! this quiz sucks rocks.


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