Michael Crichton

Do you want to test your knowledge of Michael Crichton? Then this is the quiz for you. Use the links on my webpage to find the answers for this quiz. This quiz tests you on the entire life of the writer Michael Crichton.

This quiz is meant to test your knowledge of the author and produced named Michael Crichton. If you want help finding some of the ansers you can use the links provided on my webpage.

Created by: Mark Bower
  1. Michael Crichton received his college education from....?
  2. What year was the book Timeline first published?
  3. How long did Michael Crichton read and do research for Timeline before actually writing it?
  4. Which book of Crichton's was directed by Steven Spielberg?
  5. Michael Crichton enjoyed writing thrillers under which pen name?
  6. Crichton imagined the book Timeline from the start as a __________ story. He was shocked once he began how difficult the novel actually was to write.
  7. What was the first Novel that Crichton wrote?
  8. Crichton's most recent book, Next, is about....?
  9. Michael Crichton produces the T.V. series Lost.
  10. Since writing State of Fear what global issue has Michael been associated with?

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