Mercy Thompson: Adam or Samuel?

Do you think you know Mercy Thompson? Well that doesn't matter, because this is just to see if you prefer the two wolves in this: Adam and Samuel.FYI I like Sam.

So I don't know what to write here. So I will give you a vocabulary lesson. Wanna know a big word? well here it is: Hippopotomonstrosesquippdaliophobia.Find out what it means at the end of the quiz.

Created by: Storm
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Chose one...
  2. Sun or Moon
  3. You would rather date
  4. You would rather live with.....
  5. You prefer a guy with....
  6. ...
  7. You have a crush on....
  8. You want your husband to be...
  9. ...
  10. You think Mercy should be with
  11. If you were listing Mercy's romantic options, you would say.....
  12. biufrgsezgfvbisdgbfoipsdhfidshifhdsivfhbdfjvbidfhidshfsdhgkhsdfhkldshfksdhfle, but sadnhflakbhfildsughfidshflsdnfndsfbdsjgbfudsbfdjksbfudjsi
  13. Californiafireworkhotnyou'reteenagedreaminvegas
  14. Do I make sense 2 u?

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