Maybe this is goodbye my gotoquizers? {Aria's} | Comments

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  • I wouldnt live without gotoquiz also. Gotoquiz changed me a lot. Its the reason I gotten wiser, stronger, smarter of course, and saw a new world in each book I read. I mean, you know, books are the most patient, quietest, and wisest teachers in the whole universe. I also gotten way better in writing.. hehee. I still have the very old me nature side to me, the caring side, the gentle side. I also have the bad new rebel side, negative side, and the obsessed looks. And this good me is now funny, adventurous, full of happy, insane, but still insecurity because the bully impact on my life and different has affected me a little too much. I just wanted you to know that youre not alone. And everyone has their dark times. Just think on things that you could turn differently. Like moving your bed a different comfortable way, well thats a bad example but yea. But thank you for being a sister in gotoquiz. And if you cant shake it off then you are still welcome back to gotoquiz. I mean I got off and then went back except that was a lot time ago. Not the florida thing. :) ahh. Florida. But still try to find a friend that they really know you, that can see your real self. My best friend for sould was there in my old self, bad self, and heck she helped me with the good new one. I must sound retarded. AND IF IT IS ANOTHER PRANK I AM SO GOING TO DO A BETTER JOB SEARCHING YOU THAN THE CIA. Ok instead of that I will just mentally kill you the most painful way possible. And I also do it too. When I feel stressed, or sad, or very very mad, I calm down by listening or singing to music. :3 and eating frozen mangos.

  • To my friend Aria, if you really leave then Im going to miss you so much. Oh gosh, I think Im tearing up now. I must not, but now I dislike your ex bff now. *laughs* this had happened before, me and my best friend for soul got into a fight about the past drama. We completely shot each other out. For only weeks till we got back together again. We hadnt had a single harsh fight but that doesnt matter. But your problem is far from worse. She had done something I would never have done. But maybe she doesnt know what she is doing. Maybe she doesnt understand. But I should really stop talking about that. Yea I felt bad about myself. I mean there was a deep change in my life. I hadnt noticed before that it was the reason it affected me. But now I know. And if I could have changed it, I wouldnt. Im almost a completely different person. But now that I see it, it doesnt mean I cant change back into the old me. The old me wasnt good enough, and the new me was too bad. So I changed into another new one.-

  • Oh geez Aria, reading this made me feel so sad. It's so terrible that others try to put you down. I can't even begin to guess how it feels like to lose someone so close (other than the best friend problem, I know how that is; I'm so sorry). But you know what? I think you are an incredible person alway trying to make sure others are happy. Everyone who talks down to you doesn't deserve to even be in the same ROOM with you. Gotoquiz may seem like it's sad to talk to people only over the internet, but we all have hearts and love who you are; you will always have friends on here. So I hope you get through these hard times, and come back (or don't leave). As Dumbledore once said, Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

  • I don't know you because I just joined GTQ as a member yesterday. But you must be a friendly and majestic person. I'm sorry to hear about your problems and I hope they will soon be solved.

    Remember : Behind those grumpy clouds, there will always be a ray of happy sunshine, waiting to emerge. You just gotta find it, and I know you can :) Life goes on and we don't have a choice, no matter how depressed, sad, angry or confused we are.

    I will be praying for you...for things to get better. And for one fact, I KNOW they will :) Everything will soon be fine. And even if it doesn't, even if you have to sit through 10 minutes of pain and despair, life will go on and things WILL get better. I promise.

    God bless you wherever your path lies :)

  • @mcqueen- thanks but it said [no emails] xD about you do it like this: example@hotmail(.)c om ?

  • Well they only treat you like your diffrent because there just jelouse i would be happy to help you throug these tough time and something that might help is go to youtube and look up is calming music and pick one and start medatading i use the nine minute one everyday i hope it helps please email me at [no emails] ps i love your quizzes


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