Math Quiz to test yourself

This is a math quiz, it gets harder and harder ! try your best and dont cheat......Yes i can see you XD turn of your calculator SO ANYWAYS I NEED TO FILL THIS SPACE IN SO YEAH

I STILL SEE YOUR CALCULATOR, NO DONT CHECK ON GOOGLE!!!!!!! dont mind me filling the space in here bc i dont know what to write so yeah dont worry about that :)

Created by: Math magician
  1. What is in the thousands column - 387,964
  2. What number is in the hundredths column?-8607.593
  3. what is 12 X 11?
  4. What is 169/13?
  5. What is 196/14
  6. what is 10*0.5
  7. 6*0.5
  8. 100*5.632
  9. -3*2
  10. -6*-5
  11. -12+6
  12. -18+ (-16)
  13. (8* 2cubed) / 16 +9
  14. 5(4x+3)=75what is x?
  15. 96 sweets are shared among Jamie, Adam and Sophie in the ratio of 3:4:5 ; How much do each of them get?

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