How much do you know about math?

Math is a wonderful area of study. It can be so satisfying to solve a linear equation or find quadratic roots or calculate the area of a circle. I enjoy math very much, and I hope you do too.

so, do YOU think you're A math expert? Maybe you have several years of advanced math under your belt, or you're just starting your study of the great subject. Either way, this is a great quiz to test your math knowledge.

Created by: Elizabeth Myra
  1. What area of math is Euclid considered the father of?
  2. Which is considered the most advanced out of these?
  3. What does the acronym FOIL mean in algebra?
  4. What are the correct steps for averaging a set of numbers?
  5. Select the correct Geometry formula for finding an area of a circle.
  6. Which is taught in elementary school?
  7. How is a compass used in math?
  8. Be honest. If you were given a graph and told to find an indefinite integral, could you?
  9. What's cos90°? No calculator allowed.
  10. What type of regression is used to calculate the correlation of data in a linear pattern?
  11. Which is not a rational number?
  12. Select the correct median of the set of numbers. 8,17,30,255,400
  13. Is 0 a counting number, whole number, integer, or a combination, or none?
  14. What was famous mathematician Euler's first name?
  15. Who discovered algebra?
  16. What is the formula for finding the zeros of any quadratic equation? Just the denominator.
  17. Elizabeth wanted to buy a bicycle that cost $100. The store manager offered her two options- a 40% off discount or two 20% off discounts. Which should she pick?
  18. How much is 150% of 80?
  19. What is a power regression?
  20. How many axioms are there in geometry?
  21. In a statistical Chi-square test, what are the standards used to determine good or poor data correlation?
  22. Is 39 a prime number?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about math?