Marvel rp Story (pt. 1)(for Girls)

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So. I was looking around and I didn’t find many good ones of these types of quizzes for this fandom so I thought that I could ✨help with that✨ so here you go. (There are copies of this intro, part one, and part two because I was logged out of my account and couldn’t remember my password)

Y/n will be referring to the term Your Name. (Y/l/n means your last name) This part one is basically an introduction that will split off to different journeys. Please answer each question after thinking about what you would actually do in said situation. Actually think about how the character (you) would react to something after whatever said character has been through. (This is some time after end game)

  1. Go read the description.
  2. Background info before we actually start:Y/n is a girl that I will describe w/ light/regular brown hair and blue-green eyes. (Just for it to be simplified, you may insert a different description if you want to.) you (at first) lead a regular life, have a decent sized apartment in New York, you live relatively alone with only a few close friends and you are completely happy with this style of life. At the moment/where we will start off love isn’t something you have ever really thought about. You’re decently athletic and go on walks every now and again, you work at a museum and specialize with the plants or animals of bygone ages.
  3. You unlock the door to your apartment and step inside, setting the couple groceries down before you shut your door and proceed to put them away. As you sit down at your table to glance through your mail one of the envelopes catches your eye. It looked like regular paper but it did have a red wax seal and you noticed that it’s stamp was a stormy ocean, which didn’t seem like much but you found that if you squinted, you could make out scaly necks or body parts, like a sea monster or something.
  4. You pick at the seal and eventually just rip the paper (on accident) in your attempts. Ripping the rest of it away you unfold a letter reading; ‘To Y/n Y/l/n, We believe you are eligible for a study in the name of science to research the adaptability of the human immune system. We will reward you richly, though it is a full time thing and you will be required to move if you agree. We hope you make the right decision. Signed;’ you look the letter over a few times, apparently whoever had written it had forgotten to name themselves. There was contact information though. What are you thinking?
  5. The next day you can’t get the strange message out of your thoughts. You had never talked to anyone about that kind of thing and never did any kind of DNA related stuff. Today your boss needed you to fill in at the front desk and you had just gotten into a conversation with someone who was going into the museum. They said that they were an archeologist and as you shook hands you felt a prick, not unlike the little static shocks you would feel touching someone after going down one of those plastic slides. He apologizes and you both laugh it off. As he walks into the museum what are you thinking?
  6. At about one in the afternoon you start feeling nauseous and ask if you could go home early. You’re allowed to and as you sit down in your car, almost one hundred percent sure you’re going to throw up soon, the world starts spinning around. Ok. Definitely not driving until that’s over. You slump back, trying to blink the dizzying sensation away. You close your eyes and feel your conscious slipping away for a split second before comforting darkness wraps around your mind and sweeps you away.
  7. You wake up groggily, and still feeling nauseous. At first you just thought your eyes weren’t adjusting or something because it was pretty dark, but you quickly found that wherever you were was /not/ your car. It was a concrete room that had a cot tucked in the corner and a flickering old light bulb. It felt like a prison cell. Time dragged on and eventually you started to feel a little better. At some point you had nodded off again but when you woke up you were definitely feeling better. You got up and attempted to peer through the slit ‘window’ part that was at eye level on the solid metal door. It only showed you a musty and dim hallway lined with other metal doors. What now?
  8. (1) As you scream and scream but eventually your voice tires, and your throat burns. After you eventually stop when it becomes apparent no one is listening you hear someone faintly from what sounds like the next cell over, their voice old and dry. “Finally figured out that no one’ll come eh?” They asked, how are you replying?
  9. (2) if you chose to have a silent panic attack nothing happens until the next day. (Skip)
  10. (3) “They call here Hydra.” Said (A if you didn’t first chose 3 and the if you chose the option on 1) raspy voice of your fellow captive. “No one’s gotten outta this base ever before. May as well get comfortable, you’ll be here till’ ya die. Which might end up being sooner than you think.” What now?
  11. (If you asked questions then the answers were: “who are you.” “I’ve been here too long I can’t even remember. You can call me Hermit.” “What happens now?” “They’ll take you out every now and then for experiments.” “Are you sure there is no know out?” “None I’ve heard of. And I’ve been here a long time…” “how long have you been here?” “Don’t know the exact years in number but since I was a young boy I suppose.” Etc)
  12. In the following weeks, days, you stopped keeping track, you were take in and out to by armored people with weapons to a room where you were forced to endure experiments with strange liquids. Most times after you felt burning pain and nothing actually good came out of it, though a few times they were successful, earning you enhanced strength and endurance, as well as telekinesis. When you were feeling less in pain you would taking to Hermit, the old man in the cell next to yours. You couldn’t see him, but he was company you supposed. Probably the only thing keeping you sane. One day you were trying to rest off the pain from yet another experiment when you hear shouting and weapons firing. A prisoner trying to escape? What else could it be? There weren’t many avengers left after the dusting but… nope. Not going there. Not going to give yourself any false hope. Wdyd?
  13. (For asking Hermit) “Hermit!” You say, though the effort the talk made it feel like your throat was on fire. “Hermit!” You hiss more urgently after the only answer was silence. “Hmm?” Came his sleepy reply to your relief. “Do you know what they’re yelling?” You ask, as they were speaking another language. A moment of silence followed before he replied “An attack.” “Who’s attacking??” Another moment before his answer “A hero.” “Hero?” “A few, the avengers? I don’t know what they mean by that name.” “I know about them! But most of them have fallen apart within the last few years, so it must be what’s left of them or maybe just two or three.” “Perhaps.” He agreed. What now? Suddenly the loudest bang yet goes off, it sounds like it’s from down the hallway, as you still try to block out the noise there is the sound of running going down the hall. Your cell is at the very back of the hall, with Hermit’s cell being right next to a dead end. Whoever was running skidded to a stop outside your cell. Do you move to see who it is?
  14. (For if you tried to see anything through the window slit) as you peer down the hallway all you can hear is the continued sounds of fighting. Suddenly the loudest bang yet goes off, it sounds like it’s from down the hallway, as you still try to block out the noise there is the sound of running going down the hall. Your cell is at the very back of the hall, with Hermit’s cell being right next to a dead end. Whoever was running skidded to a stop outside your cell. Do you move to see who it is?
  15. If you chose any of the lay down and try to sleep options from the latest three questions: as you are trying to ignore everything and rest the loudest bang yet goes off, it sounds like it’s from down the hallway, as you still try to block it out there is the sound of ridding going down the hall. Your cell is at the very back of the hall, with Hermit’s cell being right next to a dead end. Whoever was running skidded to a stop outside your cell. Do you move to see who it is.
  16. If you chose to yell about Starbucks nothing happens, so choose a different option from the ones above just insert (after nothing happens) to the beginning.
  17. ~That’s all for part one folks~

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