Mario quiz awesome!

Mario. The worlds favorite Video game series. All that jumping and fireflowers make me think "I wonder what I would be in the mario world?" so here it is.

Mario Yoshi Peach or Luigi. Which one are YOU! This personality quiz tests just that. Do you jump? or get capured by a Turtle or do you swallow things?

Created by: Simon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is the love of your life?
  2. What do you think of TOADS
  3. What height are you closest to?
  4. Bowser is...
  5. Whats your favorite song?
  6. Buzzy beetles are...
  7. Whats your Favorite thing to do?
  8. Goomba=
  9. 3.141592635=
  10. Quote=

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