Loved or Hated (part 12) | Comments

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  • yeah i know. but im okay now. i went to school today.

  • Ooh...that sucks...:/

  • It was fascinating at least I think it was they delayed our lubck 2.5 hrs so we got PaPa Johns which made my stomach feel funny and I puked after school. Isn't that pleasant. So I skipped dinner and watched tv and drank Gatorade all night :]

  • You don't find the inauguration fascinating?

  • today was so easy at school we had a two hour delay and for almost every class we watched the news cause olbma was becoming the pres of the US it wasnt fun but it was easy and we still got a boat load of hw to do and wed i have to bring in my bass clairnet XP uhh i hate my teachers XP

  • haha iknoww right :]

  • lol ^.^

  • Haha I don't blame ya for that it is hard to xplain >.<

  • omg last year a girl had gum in her mouth and she started played and ya it got stuck in her flute, the band teacher was so angery im surprized she did kill the girl cause it was the schools flute. and playing the flute isnt that hard its like whisleing except no into the instrment over the instrument.....ok its hard to explan but easy to im not the person u should ask u need to ask ur schools band teach and set up lessons if u want to this isnt the kinda stuff i give advice on cause most of my friends dont play an instrment and dont want to(they r so wierd) but i wont change them they r great friends ^.^

  • It just looks harder than it is to make a sound cone out of a flute. It takes a couple of tries but then again some people r mean to play the flute and others r not ! My band teahcers r really nice they only yell if someone had gum in their mouths....

  • It just looks harder than it is to make a sound cone out of a flute. It takes a couple of tries but then again some people r mean to play the flute and others r not ! My band teahcers r really nice they only yell if someone had gum in their mouths....

  • It just looks harder than it is to make a sound cone out of a flute. It takes a couple of tries but then again some people r mean to play the flute and others r not ! My band teahcers r really nice they only yell if someone had gum in their mouths....

  • ok i really feel bad for u but somedays thats what my band teach does but she is usually yelling at the percussion section or the trumpets cause they r the sections with the most ppl(desides the flutes) that talk during the pice/in between the pices.

  • hes lik so strict too lik if he sees a student talking then he'll yell at us

  • i think trumpet is easy to play one of my friends play it and it seems simpile enough how hard could it be there r only three voulves(idk how to spell it)you have to hit so not really hard, the hardest thing is probly geting the sound out ^.^

  • Ahahaha. Trumpet does look fun...I don't like the theory part of music though...

  • like whoaa that must stink.

    the only thing i am even interested in playing other than the flute is the trumpet. it looks really cool and fun. i only know one girl that plays the trumpet but i dont care. one of my best friends, Tyler, also known as the Tyler in these quizzes, plays the trumpet and he makes it look so fun !!!

  • i feel bad for u :( that must stink!

  • my violin teacher is in italy rite now for 2 month and the substitute she chose for my class is so mean

  • no offense taken i used to love playing its just my teachers werent the best for me with all the yelling and everything. but i could rember all the fingering so it was only the pitch that was wrong lol and i can play the piano a little and i have a friend that plays the violin and i no how to play the gutar but not that well ^.^ and i wish i could sing but sadly i stink at it thats y i wait for my familey 2b out of the house and then sing lol ^.^

  • im only in 6th and ive been playin violin ever since 4th

    and playing piano ever since i was 6

  • omg xxdarkxx i can play violin and piano but i cant play guitar

    and i kinda like singing too

  • Ha starfire3 that's like really funny no offense but it is. For me it seems like playing the flute came extremely easy. It really isn't that hard to me if we had chairs (they didn't wantto cuz it wud hurt some peoples feelings) I'd probably be 2nd chair flute.

    And xxdarkxx I can't play anything other than flute and I hve no intention of learning the piano and I can't sung worth anything but I'm gonna learn the guitar one of these days l0l.

  • I wish I played flute! I can play a bit of violin, piano, and guitar, but my main passion is singing. ^.^

  • amen to that but i have to sit through about 2 weeks worth of hearing about it gah its the worst but my teach trys to make it fun. and i couldnt hit any thing higher than a G it was hard to tell if it was me or my flute (it was pervisually owned) so every note i played would b an octive lower than usual and i was yelled at for it and everytime they told me to spin the note instead of being the pitch it would be really really high pitched shreek of a sound finally they decided that i should just play the lower parts and if the music called for a high note to not play at all^.^ i never argued i didnt care lol ^.^


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