love game and quizzes

There are lots of smart people but maybe you are the one that loves to do quizzes because you have problems in relationship it might change your life if you try on this quiz try it for fun and also for love luck!

Are you truley in love? try this amazing quiz and in only a few minutes youll have the results but until you try on this quiz youll know if your truley in love but if you dont try on this great quiz youll just wonder for ever!

Created by: celina
  1. have you ever fallen in love at first sight?
  2. have you ever played truth or dare and dared you to go out with a person that you hate and that person likes you?
  3. have you ever kissed the wrong boy in a school dance?
  4. ever dared to go out with the ugliest girl in school?
  5. ever dared to tell the boy(girl)that you liked him(her)
  6. what kind of person are you!
  7. ever got suspended for a..
  8. evr got all romantic infront of the girl(guy)you like?
  9. have you ever been picked on alot by something?
  10. have you ever been emberrassed because you had farted?

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