Lion King 2 Quiz

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This is a trivia quiz based on the direct to video Disney movie The Lion King II : Simba's Pride, the sequel to their hit 1994 blockbuster The Lion King.

This quiz is based on mainly information presented in the movie, but also pretty common outside knowledge of the movie for Lion King fans in general and SImba's Pride fans.

Created by: Kiara of Give Forgotten Disney More Love
(your link here more info)
  1. When did the movie come out?
  2. What does the name Kovu mean in Swahili?
  3. What song was played during Kiara's presentation?
  4. Who is the main villain of Lion King 2?
  5. What is the enemy pride called?
  6. Who is the lioness with blue eyes and bangs?
  7. During what song do Kovu and Kiara fall in love?
  8. Which is not a song present in the movie
  9. What is the name of Kovu's older brother
  10. What does Zira mean in Swahili?
  11. Who gets exiled from The Pride Lands in the movie?

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