Let us guess your age/gender/occupation!

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There are many distractions in this modern world that will keep you from reaching your true potential. Take this ridiculously accurate quiz to discover your true self.

What is life? What is happiness? Where did I leave my keys? These are all questions we ask everyday. Don't be distracted any more, find all the answers in this one quiz.

Created by: Shelton Holmes of Shelton's Facebook
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your best skill?
  3. Who do you think you may have been in a previous life?
  4. Choose any number
  5. What is your favorite sport?
  6. First thing that comes to your mind when you read the word "PUMPERNICKLE"
  7. What is the best thing about you?
  8. Which car would you drive?
  9. What do you hate most?
  10. What is your favorite activity?

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Quiz topic: Let us guess my age/gender/occupation!