Lemonade clickerz

Hi, Why am I here??? Tell me!!! I gotta get outta here!! LEMONADE LEMONADE LEMONADE, Hey you can't win them all! Yours is major league brain. Eat my dinner.

Why do they need to make us a second paragraph??? This thing is gibberish!! But hi Please take this quiz or yours is my bad major league brain, Yes, Im tellin ya.

Created by: ROFLOL

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Say Lemonade.
  2. Now keep on clicking Lemonade, Don't read the other questions
  3. What is 1+1=?
  4. Your mom is fat
  5. I decided to get going being Santa
  6. Super Mario drinks....
  7. Chess piece??
  8. 10th question
  9. You call out a number, it's Mason. The cute red-head with grean eyes. He smiles at you shyly and you wink back. You get into the closet and sit on the floor. "So, wanna make out?" He asks straigh-up. You shrug. "Sure." You guys make out, and you realize how awesome he is at it. You yank of his shirt and jacket and see he actually has HUGE muscles. Mason runs his hands through your hair. It's nothing TOO sexual, but after high school ends, you both get hooked up, get married, and have two kids. A boy named Brandon and a girl named Rachel. YAY!
  10. Make-up
  11. í¨í§
  12. Roblox
  13. Who is Alexander Graham Bell?? (HISTORY)
  14. Jesus is Judgement Day, You??
  15. What goes next...
  16. Coke...
  17. What goes next?? A cat is to a dog and a duck is to a...
  18. Getting new..
  19. [no urls]?s=powerpuff+girls&category=images&a=wbst&f=2&start=21
  20. United Kingdom
  21. Twetrwis
  22. Again, [no urls]?s=powerpuff+girls&category=images&a=wbst&f=2&start=21
  23. Dippy Wippy!!
  24. [no urls]?s=powerpuff+girls&category=images&a=wbst&f=2&start=21
  25. Whenever they get the chance, the Rowdyruff Boys try to flirt with the Powerpuff Girls.
  26. Done.

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