Kiki's Harry Potter Quiz

There are many Harry Potter fans, but not everybody is a Harry Potter smarty or genius.. Are you?....Well Im bored so there is not much to read here....

Bla bla bla, exetra exetra, are you a harry potter fan? if your not, why did you even take this quiz!! i know the grammar is not perfect because i need to leave in five min.

Created by: kiki

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who killed Harry's mother, Lily?
  2. Who was Harry's first love?
  3. What kind of tattoo does Harry have on his chest?
  4. What was the name of my quiz?
  5. What was Jame's part in the Quiditch team?
  6. How did dumbledore die?
  7. What animal did Hagrid raise in a caboard?
  8. Who did Harry end up with?
  9. How did Harry catch his first Snitch?
  10. Did you like this quiz!?

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