Kajp Geraj Zhynote mane xDD~?

shytas kwizas esha apie mane jame eshA 13 lngwwu klawsimu, lbj jie esha lengwy.. kaj kurie gal jum net rejkes gal jaj nezinosyt atspety ;DDD WEl AciUu (***)

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!" ;DDDD

Created by: mazule
  1. Kox esha mano vardas?;D
  2. ish kur dbr ash eshu? ;DD
  3. koke muzika megsthu?..xD~**
  4. Kuo labiauwsej noretciuaw per sawio Atejanaty gymtadieny?..
  5. kiek methu ash gywenu shytoj shaly? ;D
  6. koke manio megstamiuawse spalawa? ;DXx
  7. kiek pirsthu thuriu? ;D
  8. kiek sesiu thuriu
  9. rukaw?
  10. kokx mano dzhynsu saizas? ;D **>susikukliaw<**
  11. mylite manje ar nje? ;DD zhyaw kiad nje ;<
  12. shu kuo daugiauwsej lajko pralejdziu shulej ;>
  13. kur labiuasej noretciuaw pralejsty 30000000 methu?

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