Just how PJATO obsessed are you?

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Are you obsessed with Percy? I think not, or at least certainly not as much as me. Well, let's find out, shall we? Now get on with this stupid quiz of mine!

Are YOU a Percy Jackson obsesser? Do you have the staying power to read the books four hundred times and qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: PERCABETHHY!
  1. Do you know what PJATO is?
  2. What did you do with TLH when you finished reading it?
  3. Who do you ship?
  4. Do you say "Oh Gods" or "Go to Hades", etc.?
  5. The movie...
  6. Have you met Rick Riordan?
  7. As per the SON?
  8. Favorite supporting character? Sorry that I missed any, only allowed six options.
  9. You spend approximately this much time reading the books, surfing the fansites, reading fanfiction, etc. per week.
  10. What is the answer...

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Quiz topic: Just how PJATO obsessed am I?