Just how cool kid are you?

There are many types of people aroun the world, but, are you one of the cute cools! Do you have what takes to be cool? Take this test, to find out! Good luck!

Are you cool? Take this quiz and find out if your the coolie, or the lamee, or both! If your lucky, your be the coolest kid around town. Now, go get a high score!

Created by: Etie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your normal day outfit?
  2. The cute kid asks you to the prom, but he's really dumb. Do you say...
  3. Your mom asks you to do chores. Do you say...
  4. You have a huge test tomorrow and you didn't study! Do you...
  5. You favurit pet is...
  6. Your FAVURIT song is...
  7. You find the right some one to go to the prom with you are going to ware...
  8. Do you like boys?
  9. Your bestie asks to go to the park with you, but your crush asks you out onthe same day! You...
  10. Your friend posted something mean about you, you...
  11. Your favurit hobbie is...

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Quiz topic: Just how cool kid am I?