The how Wiggy are you quiz!

In this world in which we live there are 2 types of people: "normal" people and "Wiggys". In a perfect world there would only be the first kind but unfortunately there is a bastardised minority of the human gene pool that can be described as "Wiggy".

Are YOU a Wiggy? I hope for your sake that you are not! This quiz is designed to assess you Wiggyness. As a student of science I can promise you that measures have been taken to assure that the accuracy of this quiz leaves no doubt as to your level of Wiggyness. Good luck and don't be Wiggy!!

Created by: 0224Pant of Dan's Site
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you had curly hair in the past 2 years?
  2. What is your nose like?
  3. A friend offers to buy you a drink. Do you...
  4. Which of these is the more appealing drink?
  5. Do you ever randomly vomit?
  6. Have you ever been unemployed/out of education longer than 3 months?
  7. Do you speak about yourself in the 3rd person?
  8. Do you lie on your C.V. about your level of education?
  9. How many nipples do you have?
  10. Do you have a license to drive a motor vehicle?
  11. When wearing a pair of trousers is a large portion of your underwear visible?
  12. How many pieces of religious clothing do you own?
  13. Do you ever steal other people's catchphrases and pass them of as your own?
  14. What is deodorant? is it...
  15. How many films do you watch?

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Quiz topic: The how Wiggy am I quiz!