Just girly things!

This is not all things just for girls. I got this off of tumblr, onlygirlythings. I really like it and feel I can relate. I hope you like it too. Coolness.

This is not all things just for girls. I got this off of tumblr, onlygirlythings. I really like it and feel I can relate. I hope you like it too. Coolness.

Created by: wolfgrl45
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. "I'm okay"... a girl's biggest lie.
  2. Having those close friends that just mean the world to you.
  3. Falling asleep to the sound of rain.
  4. You're not ugly...society is.
  5. When a song describes exactly how you feel.
  6. Staying strong when things get too hard to handle.
  7. Being glued to the TV throughout all the Pretty Little Liars episodes.
  8. Having perfect hair days.
  9. Thinking back to old memories and wishing you could change the past.
  10. Cute stuffed animals
  11. Finding a new song that you like and forever listening to it on repeat
  12. Boys with British accents
  13. Feeling like everyone in the world is happy except for you.
  14. Pretending to be a mermaid while you're swimming.
  15. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
  16. Wanting to travel the world with your friends.
  17. Going to concerts with your best friend.
  18. When your wish finally comes true.
  19. When you wear new clothes for the first time.
  20. Dancing in the car
  21. Wanting a small tattoo that has lots of meaning to you.
  22. Picking fresh raspberries.
  23. Laughing for no reason
  24. Eating junk food and not caring about your diet.
  25. Wishing you could have the Pretty Little Liars closet.
  26. Wanting to sit front row at a One Direction contest.
  27. The moment when you finish a good book and have to return to reality.
  28. Behind every girl's favorite song is an untold story.
  29. Being addicted to Pretty Little Liars
  30. Those days when you are so emotionally drained that you can't get out of bed.
  31. Not being able to put a book down
  32. Having One Direction on replay
  33. Summer sunsets
  34. And now some nice relatable quotes:
  35. Every time I think about fantasy worlds I long to be a part of, I feel an aching in my heart and soul. Like I'm homesick.
  36. Wearing the same special necklace everyday.
  37. Fuzzy socks
  38. Looking up to Demi Lovato for her strength
  39. I've always been afraid of losing the people I love. Sometimes I wonder if there is anyone out there afraid to lose me.

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