Japanese Knowledge Quiz

There were many aspects of Japanese culture and language to learn just to get by while living on Okinawa. This quiz will test some of the basic knowledge that you (hopefully) acquired while on the island.

Do you have what it takes to prove that you learned the Okinawan culture, and retained the info? If so, proceed to the quiz, think nice and hard about those answers and good luck!

Created by: Vicki of Kubaski High School Class of 2001 Reunion
(your link here more info)
  1. The Japanese phrase "Gomen nasai" means what?
  2. In Japaneses, adding the suffix "-san" after a name indicates what?
  3. How do you say "Good Morning" in Japanese?
  4. Which of these words means the number 'one'?
  5. Saying "Domo", "Domo arigato", "Arigato", or "Domo arigato gozaimasu" are all a way of saying what?
  6. What marker on a car differentiated a SOFA status driver from a Japanese driver?
  7. True or False: Sushi and Sashimi are the same type of dish.
  8. True or False: Awamori is much stronger than Sake, containing between 20 and 60 percent alcohol.
  9. True or False: Okinawa offers some of the best scuba diving in the entire world.
  10. "Sayo nara" means what in Japanese?

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