Is your life worth it? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Is your life worth it?

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  • I got 31%

  • "Your life is 90% worth it! 90%

    You live your life to the fullest and are a complete optimist. You don't let the bad side of things determine your worth. Good job, your life is totally worth it! :D"

    I liked it a lot, it was great. But even if people don't get a high score, life is worth it for everyone. While we're all alive, we should make it worth it for everyone else!

  • Your life is 84% worth it! 84%

    You are extremely optimistic but still understand that there are some parts of life that are tough. There may be tough decisions you will have to make in life, but overall you are living a life that is worth it :)

    YAYYYYYY!!! Plz make more quizzes!!!


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