Is u bored?????

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People r bored because Harry made them bored and that means u have to now take this mentally insane quiz about bored pizza and 360 no scopes that don't exist

If u is mentally insane then this is for u cud this I some insaneness of me losing my insanity and take it if u is really really very bored that u would go up to that cat and wear it as a hat

Created by: Muwawi

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Sooooo........
  2. How bored r u????
  3. Y u on this quiz????
  4. What were u doing before u clicked dis quizzicles.
  5. Soooooooo....... Have u got fwends??
  6. Do u want ice cream????
  7. ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️
  8. How many people love people
  9. What is u thinking about da quiz???
  10. Do u like me???
  11. Bye bye!!!!! Wuv uuuuuuu
  12. Hmmmmmmmm u can go now!!!!

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