Is This Quiz Stupid?

The quiz of all quizzes. You will be tested to the limit. You will take this quiz like you've never thought you would. The quiz gives you life, and reasons to hate yourself. :D (jk)

Are YOU self observant? Self hating? Self loving? Self ...selfing??! Find out in this quiz, along with more things you thought you would never know about yourself...and the people around you... :)

Created by: SomePersonHA
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you bored because you look like it.
  2. Are you ugly?
  3. Are you a fattie?
  4. Do you think I'm cool?
  5. You seem irritable. Why is that?
  6. Do you like webkinz?
  7. Do you believe in the world ending 12/21/12?
  8. Do you think Miley Cyrus is a slut?
  9. Do you think Miley Cyrus is a slut?
  10. What is your main problem?

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