Is there a chance that i'd date you?? (Guys Only)

Is there a chance i wud date you? I'm funny and friendly and sorry to say, I'm a big flirt. I luv to help others and i luv to pull pranks. Would i date you though???

Is there a chance I'd date you. Is it a slim chance? or a huge chance. Or is it a definatly? How big is the chance??? Please answer honestly cuz i really hate liars and if u lie you just lyng to yourself

Created by: hearts49

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Lets start with apperance. Looks matteer but not a lot tho. :) what color is ur hair?
  2. wat is ur hair length?
  3. Do you have glasses or braces?
  4. What about freckles? zits?
  5. Okay, more accuratly, how old r u/
  6. now for ur personality. Wud u say ur a big flirt?
  7. Wud u call me stupid even if i am kind of stupid?
  8. Pick the best quality that describes you
  9. when wud u kiss me?
  10. 1 more question about ur looks. Are you short, tall or avrage 4 ur age?
  11. Are you nice?
  12. wud u b embarrassed 2 b dating the ugliest girl in the world even if u luvved her personality?
  13. do u wanna date me??? by the way, i like a challenge :]

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