Is she really your BFFL? (GIRLS ONLY!)

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Have you ever wondered if she's just using you? Find out and share this quiz!😃😃😃!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you will like it so yay!!!!!!!!!!!Girl time!

Its really! fun!Trust me!Love u!This the best real bff quiz!100 percent accurate!!!!! I hope u luv my game because I worked really hard on it so i really hope u love it!

Created by: Anime_Witch
  1. What do you consider her?
  2. What does your friend think of you as?
  3. Does she pretend to be on your side and then humiliates you with her actions?
  4. Did she spill your crush to everyone?
  5. What does she do when you say you can't spend the night because of your Grandpa's funeral?
  6. Does she flip her hair?
  7. Can you trust her with a secret?
  8. Does she force you to watch shows that your parents would never approve?
  9. Do your parents like her?
  10. And last but not least, are you ready to see the results????

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Quiz topic: Is she really my BFFL? (GIRLS ONLY!)
