Is it possible that you are my twin?

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This quiz is about you and I. So this quiz will contain questions that will give you a certain result. Sorry if my quiz isn't that good it's my first quiz on this site.

I don't know what to write here... This quiz is about you and I. So this quiz will contain questions that will give you a certain result enjoy and have fun

Created by: Loving_Monster
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What kind of haircut do you have?
  2. Favorite color?
  3. Eye color?
  4. What about your hair color?
  5. Sorry to ask again but are you a boy or a girl?
  6. Not being racist or anything but, what is your race?
  7. How tall are you?
  8. What do you prefer?
  9. Are you a gamer?
  10. Bye

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