Is he crushing on you?

Hmmm i have a crush and I know he likes me... I made this test from my experience and I would like to help everybody. this is not 1000% accurate but I'm glad if I helped

Now, remeber,don't change for a guy cuz he might hurt you in the future, girl-friends before boyfriends. I wish you all the best in this world!! :D :D

Created by: MinaG
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is he ever staring/looking at you while youre in class?
  2. How much does he talk to you?
  3. Is he teasing you sometimes?
  4. How is he acting in front of you?
  5. When he says a joke,how does he react?
  6. When you say something stupid how does he react?
  7. Is he trying to be around you?(if hes too embarrassed/shy click the last answer)
  8. Ignore the answer 4 and 5 in the last question... So, if you touch his hand, whats his reaction?
  9. Does he give you compliments?
  10. So,this is the last question,DID HE TRY TO KISS YOU?

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