Is a Great Pyrenees a Good Dog for You?

Do you like big dogs? how about Pyrs?? Find out if you are good for this big happy dog! Do you like big dogs? how about Pyrs?? Find out if you are good for this big happy dog!

This test will grade you on your suitability to be a pyrenees owner. Good luck!

Created by: Doggysmarts
  1. Do you have a large fenced in yard?
  2. Do you want this dog to do tricks?
  3. Could you groom it once or twice a week?
  4. Do you have small children in your family?
  5. Do you need a guard dog?
  6. These dogs would never turn on you, but may on other people. Is that okay?
  7. Do you want a lovable dog?
  8. Do you want a Big or Small dog
  9. How much money would you spend on dog food per week?
  10. Would mouthing be a problem?
  11. Do you want a fuzzy, cute, and devoted big dog?
  12. How many pounds would you like your dog to be?

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